Hounslow Bike Hangars

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Added by Hounslow Cycling Campaign

London Borough of Hounslow is consulting on the provision of secure cycle parking in residential streets around the borough.

The council has recently installed an on-street bikehangar in Chiswick at Ashbourne Grove and has received further requests from several residents nearby.  Bikehangars offer secure cycle parking for residents in areas where the ability to safely store bikes within a property, or the front/rear garden, is limited. This is part of the council’s commitment to encourage more sustainable forms of transport for daily journeys.  The council covers the installation cost of new bikehangars via an annual grant allocation from Transport for London to increase cycle parking provision in the borough, there is a rental fee per year of £72 per space, plus a deposit for a key (£25). The allocation of spaces is managed by the council’s contractor, Cyclehoop, who also look after ongoing maintenance.

Each new installation is the subject of a separate consultation.  This is presumably because of the sensitivity of residents to any reduction in the number of parking spaces for cars.


January 26th, 2020 17:00


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