SE Bermondsey parking study
We are conducting a parking study in the South East (SE) Bermondsey area, shown outlined in blue below, with a view to introducing a parking zone.
We have received numerous requests from residents and businesses, including a petition, requesting parking controls from a number of streets within the area shown below.
A parking study is an opportunity for the council to assess the parking issues in a certain area by asking the local residents and businesses how they view parking on their street and whether they would like a parking zone to be introduced.
A parking zone is a network of streets covered by parking controls. Each street is marked out with either parking bays or double yellow lines.
The council will analyse responses on a road by road basis and make recommendations to the decision maker on zone boundary and operation days and times based on the street by street analysis.
Any parking controls that we introduce will take into account the results of the consultation as well as existing highway safety issues in the proposed zone, feedback from emergency services, and our wider transport policies reflecting our responsibilities to air quality and active travel.
We would like to hear your views on the proposal.
Please read the consultation booklet and consider the proposed layout design, both attached below, before completing the questionnaire online or by post via the freepost address, by Sunday 22 September 2019.
For more general information about parking in Southwark visit
Why We Are Consulting
Since the neighbouring Thorburn Square parking zone was implemented in October 2018 (results of which are summarised here), we have received numerous requests from residents, including a petition, requesting parking controls to be extended into the area to the east of St James Road to address the issue of increased parking pressure.
The study area includes a section of streets in the north of the study area surrounding the Blue where businesses have voiced concern about parking pressure from commuters.
We have had discussions with residents, and met with businesses before launching this consultation to discuss parking issues so that our consulation and design best fits the needs of both residents and local businesses and which complements the Good Growth Fund project at The Blue, currently underway.
Free parking for traders and customers is currently offered at the The Blue car park and improvements to these parking arrangements are being managed separately by the housing parking team alongside the Good Growth Fund project.