Stepney Way and Sidney Street junction

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Added by Alex Jenkins


Three collisions have occurred at the Stepney Way / Sidney Street junction over a three year period causing four slight injuries. All three collisions occurred due to failing to look properly when turning out of the junction or hitting a vehicle in front.

Improving road user behaviour is key to reducing collisions and although changes in layout can’t fully resolve this, redesign of our streets can help.

The Stepney Way/Sidney Street junction is currently being invested in to improve the safety of the junction and the environment you live in.

We propose to:

Introduce traffic lights at the existing give-way junction to make it safer for pedestrians to cross.
Implement a pedestrian only stage at the junction – this means all traffic lights will be held on red to road users to allow pedestrians to cross the junction safely.
Provide advanced stop lines marked on each arm of the junction to benefit cyclists.
Remove the guard rails, kerb build outs and the zebra crossing as the new traffic lights will provide a safer crossing facility.


August 1st, 2017 23:45


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