Monier Road H14 Olympic Park bridge
This is a motor vehicle bridge planned to replace the current cycle/walking bridge from Fish Island to the Olympic Park.
LLDC said:
"Bridges H14 and H16 both span the River Lee Navigation and will connect Fish Island to the Sweetwater neighbourhood planned within PDZ4. Under the LCS permission, outline approval was granted for:
- Bridge H14: A new all-modes bridge (including a vehicular route) connecting Sweetwater to Roach Road/Monier Road.
- Bridge H16: A new pedestrian and cycle bridge connecting Sweetwater to Stour Road.
The new all-modes H14 will replace the existing pedestrian and cycle bridge that currently crosses the River Lee Navigation at the same location.
Condition LCS0.31 of the LCS outline planning permission specifies the information to be provided with RMAs for both Bridges H14 and H16. Table A1 in Appendix A to this Covering
Letter details how the requirements of Condition LCS0.31 have been met. Appendix A also notes any other relevant LCS planning conditions (Table A2) that are addressed by the RMAs.
The description of development for the purposes of the Bridge H14 RMA is as follows: “Application for the approval of reserved matters for Bridge H14 with associated works pursuant to condition LCS0.31 of outline planning permission 11/90621/OUTODA being details of layout, scale, appearance, means of access and landscape.”
The description of development for the purposes of the Bridge H16 RMA is as follows: “Application for the approval of reserved matters for Bridge H16 with associated works pursuant to condition LCS0.31 of outline planning permission 11/90621/OUTODA being details of layout, scale, appearance, means of access and landscape.”