Wick Lane Quietway route consultation

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Added by Owen Pearson

Wick Lane Quietway cycle route from Greenway to Quietway 6

Transport for London (TfL) is proposing to improve provision for cyclists along Wick Lane from Jodrell Road/Cadogan Terrace to the Greenway and has asked the council to help to deliver the scheme in this area as part of the Quietway cycle network.

Scheme drawings: http://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/Documents/Transport-and-infrastructure/Transport-planning/QWNG_Consultation.pdf
Overall Quietway 6 route: http://www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/Documents/Transport-and-infrastructure/Transport-planning/QW_Newham_Greenway_Map.pdf


January 13th, 2017 23:45


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