Hoxton Area – Cycle Route Improvements

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Added by Natalie G

The proposals for this route include:

Location 1: New North Road/Eagle Wharf Road/Poole Street junction.

• Closing Poole Street and Eagle Wharf Road to motorised traffic at the New North Road junction except for cyclists.
• Installing new signals with signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction. The new crossings will replace the need for the existing pedestrian crossing on New North Road outside Bracklyn Court, which will be removed.
• Replacing the one-way system at Eagle Wharf Road with a two-way traffic system between Bracklyn Street and New North Road.
• Carrying out public realm improvements such as widening the pavements, raising the road level to pavement level and planting trees along Eagle Wharf Road.
• Installing a new loading bay and additional residents parking bays at Eagle Wharf Road.
• Converting Poole Street to a two-way traffic system between Imber Street and New North Road.
• Relocating the existing residents parking bays to improve accessibility and loading facilities at the junction.
• Raising the road level to pavement level at Poole Street outside the Studios building.

These measures will reduce traffic flows at the Eagle Wharf Road/New North Road/Poole Street junction while improving the pedestrian facilities and making it safer for cyclists to cross the main road. The public realm improvements will help create a more attractive environment for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.

For details of the proposals at the Eagle Wharf Road/New North Road/Poole Street junction please refer to layout plan for Location 1 enclosed.

Location 2: Murray Grove

• Introducing a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove between Shepherdess Walk and New North Road.
• Single yellow lines will be replaced by double yellow lines (no waiting at any time restrictions) to improve visibility, road safety and facilitate the smooth flow of traffic where required.
• The overall number of resident parking bay spaces on Murray Grove will increase by eight, with four new additional loading bays provided as part of the proposals.

These measures will facilitate the flow of traffic including buses between Shepherdess Walk and New North Road in both directions.

For details of the proposals at Murray Grove please refer to the layout plan for Location 2 enclosed.

Location 3: Shepherdess Walk/Murray Grove junction

• Installing additional traffic signals at the Murray Grove, Shepherdess Walk and Micawber Street creating a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove.
• Installing signalised pedestrian crossings at the junction.
• Refurbishing the pavements where required.
• Installing junction entry tables at the Murray Grove and Micawber Street junctions for step free pedestrian crossings.

These measures will enable the introduction of a two-way traffic system at Murray Grove which is currently prohibited. The changes will also improve accessibility for cyclists and pedestrians around the junction.

For details of the proposals at the Shepherdess Walk /Murray Grove junction please refer to the layout plan for Location 3 enclosed.

Location 4: New North Road/East Road/ Murray Grove junction.

• Introducing changes to the traffic signals and junction layout at Murray Grove, New North Road and East Road to allow eastbound traffic on Murray Grove, making it two-way.
• Raising the road level to pavement level on New North Road (south) and reducing the traffic lanes to one exit lane.
• Introducing a new pedestrian crossing at New North Road (north).
• Carrying out public realm improvements on New North Road such as widening and resurfacing footways, raising the carriageway, planting trees and installing benches.

These measures will allow for the introduction of two-way traffic movement on Murray Grove while improving the pedestrian and cycle facilities at the New North Road junction.

For details of the proposals at the New North Road/East Road/Murray Grove junction please refer to the layout plan for Location 4 enclosed.

Location 5: Sturt Street

• Installing a gated closure with cycle and emergency access at Sturt Street to the west of Shepherdess Walk. This would discourage the amount of non-local traffic using the area. This will close Sturt Street to motorised traffic from City Road.

Please refer to the enclosed drawings for details of the proposals. Additionally visit consultation.hackney.gov.uk to find out more details about the specific locations within the scheme where improvements are proposed.

Signal Proposals

All signal proposals are still going through the Transport for London Review Process. Residents will be advised of changes that may result from this process before implementation of proposals.


November 30th, 2016 21:00


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