Billet Road E17
The Council has successfully secured funding from Transport for London (TfL) to improve safety for all road users along the whole length of Billet Road. In the last 5 years a total of 62 accidents which involved injuries and fatalities were recorded making this a particular unsafe area within the Borough. The scheme aims to reduce accidents along the road whilst improving the overall safety for all road users.
In September and October 2015, we sent a survey to local people asking them to identify problems along the road and to tell us what they would like to see to help improve road safety. The results of the survey showed that people were most concerned about crossing the road, getting around the area and not feeling safe when travelling along the road.
The top improvements people would like to see were; slower traffic, safer crossing points, protected cycle lanes and better pavements.
We also asked Emergency Services about the issues they faced and what they would like to see to help improve road safety.
Based on the results of the survey and the feedback from Emergency Services we have
developed a set of proposals that aim to make improvements for all road users:
• Bus stop improvements to provide better access for passengers including disabled users.
• Improve and raise the existing zebra and signal crossings.
• A new raised zebra crossing on Billet Road near Cecil Road.
• 20mph speed limit along Billet Road.
• Better and energy efficient street lighting.
• Tree planting and footway resurfacing along the road.
• A new raised road table at Billet Road’s junction with Guildway to reduce traffic speed.
• Two-way, fully segregated east and west cycle track.
• New ‘floating’ style bus stop to improve safety for cyclists and bus passengers.
• Raised areas at junctions that prioritise pedestrians and slow traffic down.
• De-cluterring of street furniture such as removing redundant posts and signs along Billet Road and side road entrances.
• Parking bays relocated at certain unsafe locations along the road to be converted to
segregated cycle track. New parking bays will be provided nearby.
• Various waiting and loading restriction at locations of concern to improve road safety
and ensure smooth flow of traffic.
• Anti-skid surface to help prevent vehicles from skidding.
Please note there are also a number of locations on the road where future improvements works will be happening outside of this scheme. These are highlighted as ‘future improvement works’ on the plan.