Junction Road - Cycle Improvement Scheme
NB: For drawing of the scheme see the PDF posted here: http://www.cyclescape.org/threads/2377#message_30253
Dear Resident/Trader,
Islington Council have proposals to make improvements for cyclists on Junction Road.
The main improvements for cyclists are mandatory northbound and southbound cycle lanes between Tufnell Park Road and Bredgar Road.
Traffic islands near the junction of Dartmouth Park Hill and Cathcart Hill will be removed to create extra carriageway space for the cycle lanes. The existing bus stops on Junction Road will be unchanged.
Some existing parking bays will need to be relocated or removed to accommodate the new cycle lanes. There will be a net loss of 8 parking bays on Junction Road. However the council will further investigate ways to mitigate parking loss during detailed design.
Parking bays No. 81 - 89 Junction Road and No. 84 Junction Road and No. 1 Linden Walk will be removed.
There will be some parking bays which are partially on footway and partially on the carriageway which are located:
• outside No. 132D – 140D Junction Road.
• outside No. 114 - 122 Junction Road.
• outside No. 127 – 145 Junction Road.
• outside No. 104 – 112 Junction Road.
• outside No. 151 - 165 Junction Road.
The proposals include parking bays being relocated on to the footway outside Silver Court, Junction Road with an increase of one parking space and outside Ash Court, Junction Rd with an increase of one parking space.
Some existing parking bays will need to be relocated or removed to accommodate the new cycle lanes. There will be a net loss of 8 parking bays on Junction Road. Three new residents parking bays will be created on Wyndham Crescent to mitigate against the loss of parking spaces on Junction Road.
To increase the number of short-term parking bays there are proposals to convert existing resident parking bays to shared-use (residents and pay and display) bays in Brookside Road. The council is proposing to add three additional resident parking bays on Wyndham Crescent, two near the junction of Dartmouth Park Hill and the third near Bishops Close. (See Figure 2).
Figure 1 below is a plan showing the proposals on Junction Road.
For further information please contact Min Yee Cheung on 020 7527 2000.
It would be helpful if you could let us know if you are in support of these proposals and could submit comments regarding these proposals. Please can you submitted your comments/view regarding theses proposals by 11th February 2016.
If you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact Min Yee cheung on 020 7527 2000. You can also write to us at:
Islington Council
Public Realm
Traffic and Parking Service
PO Box 2025