Ipswich Borough Council Cycling Strategy SPD

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Added by Shaun McDonald

Ipswich Borough Council are currently consulting on the Cycling Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), and are in the early Call for Ideas stage.

Cycling Strategy Supplementary Planning Document – Call for Ideas

The Council is preparing a Cycling Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), as set out in its Local Development Scheme (8th Edition, September 2014). The SPD will provide additional guidance to policies contained in the Ipswich Local Plan (currently the

Core Strategy and Policies development plan document 2011 and remaining saved policies of the Ipswich Local Plan 1997). Further information on the Local Plan can be found at www.ipswich.gov.uk/localplan. The SPD will not set new policies but will be a material consideration in taking decisions on planning applications. The Council has already adopted a number of SPDs which can be found at www.ipswich.gov.uk/content/current-and- proposed-supplementary-planning-documents.

The scope of the Cycling Strategy SPD relates to providing guidance on the provision of cycling infrastructure as part of new development and will also provide an opportunity to identify potential wider improvements to cycling infrastructure across the Borough. Cycling infrastructure in this respect not only relates to places where people cycle but also to provision for parking and storing cycles.

At this stage we are asking for ideas on what the SPD should contain. This consultation is being carried out under Regulation 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Following this initial Call for Ideas consultation, there will be a public consultation on the draft SPD which is anticipated to take place during Autumn 2015.

We would appreciate any ideas you may have on the content of the SPD – the questions below may act as useful prompts.
 What measures should be taken to encourage cycling in and around new developments?
 What measures should be taken to encourage cycling throughout the Borough?
 Are you aware of any particular issues which would currently act to discourage
cycling in the Borough?

Please send us any comments by 11:45pm on Monday 17th August 2015. A comments form is available on our website at www.ipswich.gov.uk/consultations. If you would like further information, please contact Felicia Blake on 01473 432019.
As part of the production of the SPD the Council is also looking for school / college pupils’ and their parents’ views on cycling to school – a short online survey is available at www.ipswich.gov.uk/consultations.
From https://www.ipswich.gov.uk/sites/default/files/cycling_strategy_spd_call_for_ideas_-_june_2015.pdf


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